Monday 3 August 2009

What a day

The great thing about this account is that (hopefully) no one else knows about it. I want a place where I can write freely without worrying who will read it.

I'm tired. I should be in bed, but I was up late worrying because Hubby got home late. I hate it when he's in town and I can't get in touch, my mind automatically starts thinking the worst. Did he get mugged? Has he been hit by a car? Did he even make it to his destination? It's silly and tedious, and to other people it's controlling and unecessary. But I can't help it, we always know where the other one is, just in case. And when one is late, the other is calling to find out what happened. It's just what we do. I can't imagine what it's like for people who don't stay in touch.

Other than that, I'm wondering (again) about how easily affected I am by random jerks. I make a post on one of my forums and I get slated, I put a question in at the help desk and it gets slated too. What's wrong with people? This is one reason why I'm trying to control any angry feelings I have, because these people are a perfect illustration of how it gets you no where. They're mad about something, but what did it accomplish? And was it worth it to give someone a hard time who didn't deserve it? I can love the internet for it's anonymity so I can write this post, but I can hate it for the same reason because people use that cloak of anonymity to act like animals.

I'm going to miss my husband. Soon his vacation's over, then he's back in school, and we won't have a day of together any more. I'll try to find a way around it, but finding a job it tough right now. I can't offer employers an open schedule to come in whenever they want me, because I have a baby. He needs looking after, and he's not in nursery full time. But everyone wants you to be available on a moments notice, and I just can't do that. But I want to work, and we need the money :(

I'm tired. God this must seem like such drivel to anyone who reads it. Guess this will end up more like a diary after all... goodnight.

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